Solids house instances are high and coal mineral depend is removed both dry as in matlab SASOL Lurgi gasifiers or as engineering slag as in matlab slagging British Gas Lurgi expertise. Fixed bed gasifiers have precise necessities of coal residences: structural balance engineering matlab slowly relocating bed of coal and char is essential, as is matlab ability for gas to permeate uniformly via matlab coal and char bed. The relatively low throughput per unit, a bit of low degree of fuel flexibility and matlab tendency for matlab syngas to contain fairly high degrees of tars make fixed bed gasifiers commonly greater proper to functions similar to chemical compounds, SNG and liquid fuels creation than for huge scale IGCC energy technology purposes. Fixed bed gasifiers require routinely steady fuel of smaller particle size 1–3 cm, such as pellets or briquettes , to make sure free and straightforward passage of gas through matlab bed. Depending on matlab direction of flow engineering matlab feedstock and matlab gas, those gasifiers are categorized as updraft and downdraft gasifiers. In updraft fastened bed gasifiers, matlab fuel is fed from matlab top whilst air is blown into matlab backside engineering matlab reactor.