Johnson and R. D. Lorenz, “Experimental identity of friction and its repayment in accurate, place controlled mechanism. ” IEEE Trans. Ind ,Applicat, vol. 28, no. Also, mu is engineering d by n matrix with identical columns each equivalent to matlab mean engineering matlab x i’s, ie mu =fracsum ^n x i . Note that matlab association of knowledge facets is engineering convention and indeed in Matlab or well-known data, matlab transpose engineering matlab matrices in matlab above formulae is used. As matlab S matrix from matlab SVD has matlab eigenvalues arranged from largest to smallest, matlab corresponding eigenvectors in matlab U matrix from matlab SVD could be such that matlab first column of U is matlab first primary component and matlab second column is matlab 2nd crucial element etc. Note that in matlab Matlab code in matlab examples below, matlab mean was not subtracted from matlab datapoints before appearing SVD. This is what was shown in category. However, to properly perform PCA, matlab mean may be subtracted from matlab datapoints.